The below article was written 7 hrs after the blasts. Today, I found news reports pointing towards the same indicators as I thought were responsible for the attack viz the LeT, SIMI & Indian locals. Here is the video. Right click and save to download it.
Bombay blasts, bleeds & bides in helpless disbelief. It has happened before, & the state of affairs point towards its happening again. Six blasts in twenty minutes cannot be the doings of the largely unorganized, under-funded, & tech non savvy naxalite organizations. The underworld can be dismissed on this one as it only stands to lose ‘hafta’ from such acts. So here is my not-so-surprising guess on the perpetrators of this act: Islamo-fascists backed, trained & brainwashed by the basket-case of the subcontinent a.k.a Phuc-kistan.

Don’t get me wrong pakis, I’ve personally known you to be a nice people, but it is your government’s (elected like those of Nawaz Sharif or military lie Zia / Musharaff ) anti-India stance for the sake justifying its existence & your extremist factions (there is a sizable population of these considering the amount of hatred preached in Madrasas in Phuckistan) that celebrate the death of innocent Hindus/Christians in the name of religion. Quantitative justifications:
Providing safe heaven to organizations like LeT, Al Qaeda, Jamat-e-Islami … the list is unending. Why, you ask is this wrong. Here is the fact file on LeT alone, the cumulative effect of all these organizations on India’s economy & society are unfathomable. Terrorism in Kashmir is condoned by Phuckistan as a freedom struggle, but how the bloody heck do you stand by gruesome acts outside Kashmir, like the 1993 Bombay blasts? LeT even stormed my hometown, Bangalore, which is a good 2000+ Kilometers from Kashmir, and mercilessly opened fire on scientists in a conference!! Shootings on the Indian parliament is known to have brought the two nations to the brink of war (possibly nuclear), the situation was alleviated by relentless international diplomacy.
Although LeT is officially recognized by the International community (including the US) as a terrorist faction, Phuckistan lets its leader roam free in its territory! How about Dawood Ibrahim, the mastermind behind the 1993 blasts? His son got married to Pak cricketer, Javed Miandad’s daughter in a public ceremony in Phuckkistan! This after India submitted forensic evidence to Interpol implicating Dawood’s role in the ’93 blasts! Not to mention the 2000 hijacking incident of Indian Airlines Flight 814 which was refueled in Phuckistan while India’s request to deploy a commando unit to diffuse the situation was conveniently ignored. Inciting trouble in North East India, inciting secular violence to induce hatred between Hindu’s & Muslims phuck with the fabric of secular, tolerant Indian society.
At the forefront of this proxy or not so proxy war with Phuckistan are the Indian Intelligence agencies namely RAW & IB. Apart from the success of keeping India’s Nuclear test of 1998 secret from CIA, ISI etc, these agencies have failed on most other counts in recent times. The failure to warn the Indian govt. about the Kargil situation is their most famed hanging on the wall of shame, which now also includes the present blasts among countless other acts of terrorism backed by Pak.
Truth is that RAW officials are recruited from senior military / police personnel and it is no secret that these organizations are the epitome of corruption. RAW has been infiltrated (working against the agency) 4 times by the CIA, and we are not even in a cold-war with the US! The biggest & most recent case was that of Rabinder Singh, who is believed to have escaped to the US on an American Passport! Paul is also known to be involved in the same infiltration. The US must have smuggled Singh out of the country to protect the identity of other such moles which would have surfaced if he were arrested. Also, RAW is known to be strewn with ego issues between top officials hampering its activities considerably.
However, there is another piece to the puzzle of the terrorists’ seemingly smooth operation and sky high success rates. The following section borders on political incorrectness, but the truth refuses to stay shackled in emotive times like these.
The most disheartening fact is that every time a LeT act is fully investigated, one or more Muslims of Indian nationality turn out to be implicated. As much as I have tried to believe these incidents to be isolated, news only points towards their disloyalty to the Nation and fanatic following towards distorted renditions of what is actually a peaceful religion (at least I like to believe that). An anecdote closest to the heart & home is the case of the Muslim engineering student who interned at ISRO, Bangalore, in 2001/2002 only to indulge in espionage for the ISI. This kid was a close friend of a guy who lived on my street and his outwardly demeanor never ever suggested a fanatic streak! The IISc attack implicates Chand Pasha, a Bangalorean! Read the mission statement of Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)!! What sort of losers even joins these organizations? Jackasses who have never ever made conversation with a girl, leave alone scoring, resort to porn, but one must have sand to the tune of the Sahara up ones crack to be fourteen and join SIMI and the likes.
Many may argue that a minority extremist faction gets more than its fare share of coverage in the media and the majority’s views remain unrepresented. I buy that too, but a lot remains desired from the majority. How come the Iraq invasion and Bush visit to India brings out lakhs (1 lakh = one hundred thousand) of muslims onto the streets in protest in strongholds like old Delhi or Hyderabad but an act like this never draws a response form their most vocal spokesmen? Is the cartoon of the Mohammed more important to you than the deaths of your innocent countrymen? Here is your big chance to prove the extremists wrong, speak out against such acts, issue your fancy religious Fatwas on the guilty, spread preach & educate religious tolerance to young impressionable minds & imbibe patriotism and nationality. Do your bit, don’t claim to be innocent by-standers and point fingers at fanatics. Their existence is your negligence!
I think you have a fantabulous writing style. I guess it clearly brings out your feelings on a range of issues ,from pornography to blasts to sentimental much so that my expressions change as I read your stuff. I think you should some more of those pics that you have on ur porn blog, its a nice way to increase the hits coming and ur counter at the bottom will run overtime...
Disclosure: the author of this blog pays me $10 a word for his appreciation. If you leave him negative comments then you do so at your own risk.
Correct! Payment is done by cheques written out to 'Anonymous'! Say, wouldn't leaving your name make it easier to indulge in money laundering?
But yeah, thanx for the feedback
This isnt relevant to your post but you dont have an email link,thank you for your comment, we liked it very drop us a line sometime.
pink berry's pic is certainly inviting, I could committ Adam's sin, only this time it will be called Adam's Pink Berry and not Adam's Apple..
'Anonymous', my previous post lobbies for legalization of prostitution and porn to keep satyromaniacs ( ) like you from threatening / harming our women. If you want to woo the referred blogger, then I suggest you make your smart ass comments in her blog, though I doubt she'll filp for someone who acts like a teenager with raging testosterone.
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