Manic Mani: Blog Wars
“Knowledge is what is both true and believed, though not all that is both true and believed counts as knowledge.” - Epistemology. Let me make the case with Arul Mani as an example. Before that, let me brief you on the situation. The Torps wrote a critique about this Bangalore Quizzing celebrity in their characteristic vitriolic style, meted out the same treatment they provide to any other pretentious, self pontificating fame-hog. (It does not mean I agree with them, at least not till Mani went berserk.) You’d expect the 36 year ‘old ‘ to react with bearing reflective of his dandily-shabby, supposed intellectual English Lecturer stature. And he does with this. Well written, mature, point made against the Ts and the kids. But the critique does give him a sleepless night and he gets down and dirty with another rebuttal filled with angst, satire, paraphilia & the likes, however keeps it between the parties involved. And finally, paranoia consumes him when he publishes THE CRANK, work that can only be attributed to a man deeply insecure, ravaged by a gargantuan inferiority complex. Not only does he assassinate the characters of innocent bystanders (people who comment in T’s post), but also exhibits deviant traits like hiring detectives (who BTW were thoroughly incompetent and unprofessional) to ‘investigate’ the whereabouts of bloggers! He publishes details of their locations, age, email etc. Whats with the disregard to privacy? What are you gonna do Mani, come after us with a suicide bomb? All this for not thinking of you as a quizzing genius? (My comment in T's post was: "Both guys got mothered at the BBC Mastermind competitions. Their prowess is only in the collage circuit, that too with the below par Bangalore engineering/arts/science collages. I've never seen them or their proteges win against NLS/IISC/IIT/IIM. In fact, I've always wondered why the metaquizzers (at least most of em) never made it to the aforementioned institutes.").
Back to how Mani is a good case to prove Epistemology.
Beliefs about him: Quizzing Genius, intellectual e supreme, Khadi clad non-corporate rebel.
Truths: Never won a quiz of consequence (Mastermind etc), never published anything significant (literary/political/scientific/philosophical) to prove, leave alone supreme intellect, but above your average collage grad abilities, did not graduate from big schools ( CKP/NLS/IIT/IIM .. etc), quizmasters for a hefty cheque (hows that for corporatizing quizzing?).
Do the math. (The Venn diagram below might help)

A closer look at his ‘dignified’ post:
It starts with: “A Dutch psychologist who profiles juvenile delinquents and the criminally insane…”. Hmm, ironic beginning for a post that blatantly throws Mani’s psychology into the abysmal realms of criminal insanity & (online) delinquency (attempts to publish private information without permission, character defamation). Remember, the delinquency in question is non-juvenile as our guy is 36 years old!
It goes on to mention the author as Dr. H. Bladiebla from the ‘Psychological Profiling Department’ of the “Karnataka Electronic Intelligence Bureau” (KEIB). So Mani works at Bangalore University and organizes quizzes for the RICH. He can pull a few strings to intimidate us ‘kids’. I personally call it bluff. Anyways, the point is that Mani is NOT the President or PM or anybody significant for our government to raise ‘threat levels’ and send special task forces to protect his, lemme guess, hairy, greasy, unkept ass. If you really do know people at the KEIB, do something good, fish for moles in the armed forces or warn people of terrorist threats/activities . Quit flaunting your 'connections'.
His article continues as:
“...KEIB President S. Patel with support of the board has decreed that this action warrants a Preliminary Mental Status Report (on the Torps), conducted by the IFBCA” What the heck is the IFBCA?? (You are writing an article, not holding a quiz, so quit using obscure acronyms.) He goes on to threaten the Ts in classic Indian bad cop style with this "Although we are at this moment not aware of the identity or whereabouts of the individual, we are confident that our Electronic Intelligence Response Unit (EIRU), in coordination with Karnataka Law Officials will shortly identify the individual and bring him or her in for questioning and further tests." At this rate, the IFBCA, whatever it stands for, needs to warrant “Preliminary Mental Status Reports” on the entire blogosphere and bring them all in for questioning. My suggestion is to start with Mani. His interests are ‘assassinating everybody’. After what he tried to pull off with his post, I completely believe his 'interest' to be genuine and hereby INCREASE the threat level to the Ts, me and other bloggers to Red.
Here is a good question for your next quiz Mani: "What detective/profiling agency not to hire for blog authors' details". Turns out, all the contact details-dope your agency exhumed about me is on my ‘blogger’ profile, free for all to see. (Einstein! Did they filch you for this 'info'?)
Further, the article lists associates of BT, all involved in a diabolical plot to behead Mani and other civilians. It deduces that ‘Muslim Hate Videos’ are posted on my blog and classifies me as a Muslim basher. Ironically, the ending of the post reads “Only positive note: IAmMine dedicated article on reunification India/Pakistan. But even so, no desire to know if the Pakis want re-unification. Bleddy Nazis.” Notice how this ‘government agency’s’ grammar and spelling is as evolved as its investigation, its slang up to date with the latest trends in the Bronx and its political correctness conveniently misplaced. I didn't ask the Indians if they wanted a re-unification, did I? Does that make me an uber Nazi, traitor and a dictator scheming to occupy one nation at a time? Notice how the message of Hindu-Muslim coexistence in the article was conveniently ignored.
Which brings up two issues:
1> Political correctness in the modern day overshadows truth. The videos on my site might as well have been about Sai Baba and his magic, VHP/RSS fanatics addressing Hindus or the jackass evangelist Benny Hinn who apparently healed 3 million Bangaloreans. (Too bad Mani and the agency were not among the 'healed'.) Either one of em would have me associated with one extremist ideology or the other. Apparently, criticizing extremism classifies you as one.
2> Freedom of Speech/Press in India is next to non existent. For all the attention India gets as the ‘Worlds Largest Free Democracy’, it ranks in the dismal 70s in the Freedom of Press Index. “The Indian Constitution, while not mentioning the word "press", provides for "the right to freedom of speech and expression" (Article 19(1)a). However this right is subject to restrictions under subclause (2), whereby this freedom can be restricted for reasons of "sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, preserving decency, preserving morality, in relation to contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to an offence”. Although Mani's post was a a supposed 'prank', it wouldn't surprise me if a power wielding Mani kinds actually put the govt. against a blogger who critiqued him. As for censorship in the name of religion, remember the ban on after the Bombay Blasts? This is the same country where the DaVinci code (the movie) was banned in many states (AP, TN etc) for breeding, apparently like me, hate towards a particular religion. So now the REBEL MANI concurs with these jackasses eh? What happened to the rage against the machine, are you a slave to the grind now??
Continuing with the ‘religious hatred’ theme, this is what Mani had to say in his rebuttal part deux:
“While i try and shower and all, i can see that i don't quite make the clean-cut with shaven-shriven-shining -non-shagging brahmin engineering-college types who alternate between obsessive washing and GRE-List word-wanking so that they can then fellate everybody at the US Consulate, leave, join the Repubicking Party and return to shower us with the oh-dear-cologne of their many arrivals, and their limited technologies for dealing with anybody who doesn't get into a suit". If the videos make me a Muslim basher, this makes Mani a Brahmin bashing, HOMOEROTIC fantasizer. Or a homophobe? Okay, the Brahmins fellate the consulate, US President, bribe the GRE agency and land a boat to the US. While you(Mani) mug the Manorama Year Book(s), jerk off to Mastermind, shag fish curry and cream your hair with it after you are 'done', ( point 'd' in the link provided ), research the mating habits of earthworms, finger the corporates (by what, organizing quizzes for them for 30K ? That I agree, sire, is a fine fingering.), not wear garments of their (corporate) slavery but buy Khadi (and since when has Khadi not been taken over by corporations?) spun by sweatshops employing child laborers (whose yearly perks are a handsome doses of molestation), fellate Siddarth Basu and still not make it big in Mastermind or any other quiz of consequence.
Too bad you dragged a bunch of guys in your muck Mani. All you had to do was act your age. After all, I'm a young, 'lonely', hormonal male ganging up with others of my kind with BT playing leader of the pack, while you are the 'stoic', 'OLD', dreadlocked, rebellious, non-corporate paraphiliac. Shouldn't you do better than come down with severe epilepsy and bouts of inferiority complex? Get a guy/girl/thing your own age to heckle and leave us 'kids' alone.
And here is the Brahmin bashing Manic Mani’s contacts. I did not have to befriend a government agency, the mafia, Mani's fan club or his germs to get it. Call him on his birthday. Or any other day.
Arul Mani: Brahmin Basher.
Age: 36.
DOB: Go to
Phone & Email: 98452-06XXX and 080-2542-2XXX
powered by ODEO
Back to how Mani is a good case to prove Epistemology.
Beliefs about him: Quizzing Genius, intellectual e supreme, Khadi clad non-corporate rebel.
Truths: Never won a quiz of consequence (Mastermind etc), never published anything significant (literary/political/scientific/philosophical) to prove, leave alone supreme intellect, but above your average collage grad abilities, did not graduate from big schools ( CKP/NLS/IIT/IIM .. etc), quizmasters for a hefty cheque (hows that for corporatizing quizzing?).
Do the math. (The Venn diagram below might help)

A closer look at his ‘dignified’ post:
It starts with: “A Dutch psychologist who profiles juvenile delinquents and the criminally insane…”. Hmm, ironic beginning for a post that blatantly throws Mani’s psychology into the abysmal realms of criminal insanity & (online) delinquency (attempts to publish private information without permission, character defamation). Remember, the delinquency in question is non-juvenile as our guy is 36 years old!
It goes on to mention the author as Dr. H. Bladiebla from the ‘Psychological Profiling Department’ of the “Karnataka Electronic Intelligence Bureau” (KEIB). So Mani works at Bangalore University and organizes quizzes for the RICH. He can pull a few strings to intimidate us ‘kids’. I personally call it bluff. Anyways, the point is that Mani is NOT the President or PM or anybody significant for our government to raise ‘threat levels’ and send special task forces to protect his, lemme guess, hairy, greasy, unkept ass. If you really do know people at the KEIB, do something good, fish for moles in the armed forces or warn people of terrorist threats/activities . Quit flaunting your 'connections'.
His article continues as:
“...KEIB President S. Patel with support of the board has decreed that this action warrants a Preliminary Mental Status Report (on the Torps), conducted by the IFBCA” What the heck is the IFBCA?? (You are writing an article, not holding a quiz, so quit using obscure acronyms.) He goes on to threaten the Ts in classic Indian bad cop style with this "Although we are at this moment not aware of the identity or whereabouts of the individual, we are confident that our Electronic Intelligence Response Unit (EIRU), in coordination with Karnataka Law Officials will shortly identify the individual and bring him or her in for questioning and further tests." At this rate, the IFBCA, whatever it stands for, needs to warrant “Preliminary Mental Status Reports” on the entire blogosphere and bring them all in for questioning. My suggestion is to start with Mani. His interests are ‘assassinating everybody’. After what he tried to pull off with his post, I completely believe his 'interest' to be genuine and hereby INCREASE the threat level to the Ts, me and other bloggers to Red.
Here is a good question for your next quiz Mani: "What detective/profiling agency not to hire for blog authors' details". Turns out, all the contact details-dope your agency exhumed about me is on my ‘blogger’ profile, free for all to see. (Einstein! Did they filch you for this 'info'?)
Further, the article lists associates of BT, all involved in a diabolical plot to behead Mani and other civilians. It deduces that ‘Muslim Hate Videos’ are posted on my blog and classifies me as a Muslim basher. Ironically, the ending of the post reads “Only positive note: IAmMine dedicated article on reunification India/Pakistan. But even so, no desire to know if the Pakis want re-unification. Bleddy Nazis.” Notice how this ‘government agency’s’ grammar and spelling is as evolved as its investigation, its slang up to date with the latest trends in the Bronx and its political correctness conveniently misplaced. I didn't ask the Indians if they wanted a re-unification, did I? Does that make me an uber Nazi, traitor and a dictator scheming to occupy one nation at a time? Notice how the message of Hindu-Muslim coexistence in the article was conveniently ignored.
Which brings up two issues:
1> Political correctness in the modern day overshadows truth. The videos on my site might as well have been about Sai Baba and his magic, VHP/RSS fanatics addressing Hindus or the jackass evangelist Benny Hinn who apparently healed 3 million Bangaloreans. (Too bad Mani and the agency were not among the 'healed'.) Either one of em would have me associated with one extremist ideology or the other. Apparently, criticizing extremism classifies you as one.
2> Freedom of Speech/Press in India is next to non existent. For all the attention India gets as the ‘Worlds Largest Free Democracy’, it ranks in the dismal 70s in the Freedom of Press Index. “The Indian Constitution, while not mentioning the word "press", provides for "the right to freedom of speech and expression" (Article 19(1)a). However this right is subject to restrictions under subclause (2), whereby this freedom can be restricted for reasons of "sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, preserving decency, preserving morality, in relation to contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to an offence”. Although Mani's post was a a supposed 'prank', it wouldn't surprise me if a power wielding Mani kinds actually put the govt. against a blogger who critiqued him. As for censorship in the name of religion, remember the ban on after the Bombay Blasts? This is the same country where the DaVinci code (the movie) was banned in many states (AP, TN etc) for breeding, apparently like me, hate towards a particular religion. So now the REBEL MANI concurs with these jackasses eh? What happened to the rage against the machine, are you a slave to the grind now??
Continuing with the ‘religious hatred’ theme, this is what Mani had to say in his rebuttal part deux:
“While i try and shower and all, i can see that i don't quite make the clean-cut with shaven-shriven-shining -non-shagging brahmin engineering-college types who alternate between obsessive washing and GRE-List word-wanking so that they can then fellate everybody at the US Consulate, leave, join the Repubicking Party and return to shower us with the oh-dear-cologne of their many arrivals, and their limited technologies for dealing with anybody who doesn't get into a suit". If the videos make me a Muslim basher, this makes Mani a Brahmin bashing, HOMOEROTIC fantasizer. Or a homophobe? Okay, the Brahmins fellate the consulate, US President, bribe the GRE agency and land a boat to the US. While you(Mani) mug the Manorama Year Book(s), jerk off to Mastermind, shag fish curry and cream your hair with it after you are 'done', ( point 'd' in the link provided ), research the mating habits of earthworms, finger the corporates (by what, organizing quizzes for them for 30K ? That I agree, sire, is a fine fingering.), not wear garments of their (corporate) slavery but buy Khadi (and since when has Khadi not been taken over by corporations?) spun by sweatshops employing child laborers (whose yearly perks are a handsome doses of molestation), fellate Siddarth Basu and still not make it big in Mastermind or any other quiz of consequence.
Too bad you dragged a bunch of guys in your muck Mani. All you had to do was act your age. After all, I'm a young, 'lonely', hormonal male ganging up with others of my kind with BT playing leader of the pack, while you are the 'stoic', 'OLD', dreadlocked, rebellious, non-corporate paraphiliac. Shouldn't you do better than come down with severe epilepsy and bouts of inferiority complex? Get a guy/girl/thing your own age to heckle and leave us 'kids' alone.
And here is the Brahmin bashing Manic Mani’s contacts. I did not have to befriend a government agency, the mafia, Mani's fan club or his germs to get it. Call him on his birthday. Or any other day.
Arul Mani: Brahmin Basher.
Age: 36.
DOB: Go to
Phone & Email: 98452-06XXX and 080-2542-2XXX
powered by ODEO