Tuesday, August 08, 2006

OOP Sucks, MAC rocks

I hate Object Oriented Programming. I do not see its need in the Electrical/Electronics engineering world. As much as I try and run, it shows up around every corner, behind every bush, under every rock and in every vein of the computer (enabled) blood stream.

Just when the dark clouds descended, a small opeining in the sky shone down upon me in the form of a MAC Laptop and the world was dark clouds spiked with small but bright tunnels of light, much like the view below.
(Photo shot by me in Fall 2005. Right Click on the snap and "Save link As" for a full size rendition that can be used as desktop wallpaper etc... Longest title for a snap ever :D )

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat da..your still discovering ur mac? btw..use MS word atleast it will improve ur spelling :D

5:01 PM, August 09, 2006  
Blogger IAmMine said...

hmm... i dont notice any typos on this post, wondering why you told me that.

2:51 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have the "B" here again..mmm..OOPs or whatever it is , is Greek and Latin to me anyway..enjoy the MAC mate.

3:27 AM, August 11, 2006  
Blogger IAmMine said...

OOP = Object Oriented Programming, which I thought was apparent from the 1st line of the post. But I'm on your side, coz its pretty much Greek, Latin, Tamil and Marwari to me too :-)

5:52 AM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OOP = Object Oriented Programming, which I thought was apparent from the 1st line of the post."
you ask people whats KGB and then tell them it is Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti..does that help?

9:09 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, lemme get this:
If you have a Mac Laptop you would not have to use OOP concepts ever again?
And why not use OOP?

3:16 AM, August 24, 2006  
Blogger IAmMine said...

RajaDrumSetFromChickpet, I have a strong feeling you are a friend of mine whose nick is "off man". Why not use OOP: I can understand OOP's relevance to Banking applications but don’t buy the argument that it is the ubiquitous choice for all applications. For example, I have written a driver for a 6-CD changer for a Blaupunkt navigation unit and used plain C and assembly to do so. Using OOP would have resulted in highly inefficient code occupying more memory at the same time. Same goes for the audio decoder I wrote for the DV standard and the application I am now trying to simulate (which is an error correction code on fading wireless channels high on linear algebra and number theory). I don’t see the need for OOP in algorithms that are highly procedural and mathematical in construction.

As for MAC’s role in all this, think of it as the Cadbury bar offered to you as an incentive for completing the most boring Hindi (assuming you are a kannadiga who would struggle with its gender nuances since it is absent in your language) project in middle school. It doesn’t necessarily take away OOP for my current research assignment.

5:38 PM, August 24, 2006  
Blogger Jaya said...

im sure a freely-gotten mac wud seem like a gift from the skies:)..n then where's the due credit to the photographer??

8:57 PM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger IAmMine said...

Fellas, Jaya ( http://decimatedecibels.blogspot.com/ ) left a comment on this post which mysteriously did not appear once I approved it for publishing (aliens i tell ya). Anyways, this is what she had to say: "im sure a freely-gotten mac wud seem like a gift from the skies:)..n then where's the due credit to the photographer??"

Okay, we were trekking to first dam and both of us were shooting snaps at whimsy will. So we cant point out with certainty on which shot was whose. So there is a possibility of the snap being hers, although faint considering how good it looks (hehe :-)) ).

9:50 PM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger IAmMine said...

oh great .. after all that trouble the comment (re)surfaces. Damn blogger.com to eternal blogging limbo.

9:52 PM, September 27, 2006  

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